A Series of the Parables · Scripture Reading · Uncategorized

The Foot Path

I traveled to Uganda several years ago and while there our short-term missions team visited a few small villages. One day as we walked from one village to another we approached a vast field full of some high-growing crop which stood before us as a sea of green. As we drew closer, one narrow footpath emerged, a trail of beaten-down brown where no life grew, splitting the fertile crop in two. I thought of this Ugandan footpath as I read the parable of the sower recently.  Have you heard this lesson taught by Jesus as he sat in a boat on the sea?


Crave What Gives You Real Peace

The summer of 2023 will go down in my personal history books as one of the most special. This was the summer that both of my children became parents, just two months apart. Which has meant that this Mimi has spent a lot of time with newborn babies transitioning into infants, and young married energetic… Continue reading Crave What Gives You Real Peace